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Watch this video and notice the difference between standing well-supported, on the top of the hip joint, and translating the pelvis excessively to one side.

Sometimes we call this movement strategy "jotting out the hip," "sashaying," or "hanging or sitting on the hip." The problem with such movement is that it lowers the center of mass and, therefore, lowers the potential energy of our body. Movements become more difficult, awkward, and cumbersome. Practice strengthening the hip muscles by standing and walking on the top of your hip and sense the difference yourself!

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

How to Swim with Healthy Posture: Breaststroke

Many of you are enjoying the cooling waters of pools and lakes this summer.

This blog post about the breaststroke

and how to avoid the neck and back aches may be of interest.

CLICK HERE to continue reading

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Systemic osteoarthritis:

the difficulty of categorically naming a continuous condition

A great reminder of the "body as a garden" approach to health and well being.

"Therefore, OA should be approached as a systemic disease, considering individual patient factors, such as genetics, inflammatory response, and lifestyle. Medical care should be more holistic and personalized. Consideration of a name change, such as "systemic OA", could help to move away from the perception of a disease focused only on the joints."

Read the abstract, CLICK HERE

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